IRCON Share Price Target 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2030

IRCON Share Price Target 2025 : Greetings and salutations on this essay. In order to better comprehend the movement in price targets of IRCON shares, we’ll go over IRCON’s operations, how it makes profits, possible growth areas, and a host of other business-related facts today.

Over the past year, railway stocks have done incredibly well on the stock market. Included is Ircon International Limited as well. For those who are investing in shares, this is an excellent choice.

Furthermore, following our analysis of the company’s stock, we will provide you with the findings so that you can form opinions on it.

The business is a fantastic long-term investment choice with strong growth potential. The IRCON Share Price Target for 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030 will be covered in this article.

Let’s examine the IRCON company background, technical fundamentals, fundamental analysis, shareholders, future prospects, etc. before delving into IRCON stock price targets.

It will assist you in deciding on your future investment in the end. But first, let’s look at the company’s background and overall organizational structure.

Industry Overview-

India’s engineering and construction industries are thriving at the moment because of the government’s progressive policies. The Indian government has permitted full foreign direct investment (FDI) in railway infrastructure due to the sector’s rapid growth. Following the launch of the “Made in India” campaign, rail coach manufacturing facilities were established in numerous states, consistently setting new benchmarks for the campaign.

Company Overview-

The Ministry of Railways of the Central Government founded IRCON International Limited as a government enterprise. In the engineering and construction phases of railway projects, IRCON was integrated. The organization is divided into four segments: management, comprehensive urban development, infrastructure, and engineering and construction. Ircon is involved in the construction of railroad tracks, tunnels, bridges, and electrification of railroads.

In addition to numerous Indian states, IRCON is wrapping up activities in Afghanistan, the United Kingdom, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and most recently, Sri Lanka.

IRCON Share Price Target 2023

Major construction projects including building railroads, their infrastructure, and railroad stations are often linked to the state-owned company IRCON.

If we examine more closely at the work that the pandemic caused to halt in the railway industry during the last few years, we can see that IRCON’s orders book has significantly increased as a result of the multiple projects that have been released.

IRCON has a sizable order book now, and the company’s management has said that the book is growing significantly.

In addition to receiving significant benefits, IRCON’s business will see a sharp rise in profit and revenue if they are successful in completing their order book.

When you look at the IRCON Share Price objective 2023, you will see that the company is receiving more orders. It is highly anticipated that the initial objective of Rs 92 will be reached, and growth will be exceptionally strong.

When this goal is accomplished, it will probably display the second goal at Rs 95.

Read More: IRCON Share Price Target

IRCON Share Price Target 2024

Because of IRCON’s experience building railways, the company consistently receives sizable orders from numerous nations at a rapid speed.

The management is also trying to think of innovative approaches to work on projects that are outside of their own nation.

The IRCON Share Price Targets will be established in 2024 as they extend their grasp over initiatives in various nations. As the business expands, it is conceivable that the initial target will be reached, approximately Rs 110. You can therefore anticipate that the second goal will be Rs 110.

Ircon has a reputation for accepting difficult infrastructure projects. Recently, Ircon was awarded a US$ 91.27 million railway project in Sri Lanka. The company’s global experience is strong due to advancements in technology.

The corporation has net 1080 Cr in cash, which is excellent for business expansion. The Indian government intends to use the Indian Railway to develop rural communities.

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IRCON Share Price Target 2025

IRCON is still observed collaborating in joint ventures with other businesses in an effort to grow their business.

The company has been making large profits from its joint venture with other businesses, such as ISTPL, IRSDC, CERL, CEWRL, MCRL, and IRCON, over the last few years.

Looking ahead, the management team will shortly be finalising plans to collaborate in partnerships and joint ventures with other companies in order to expedite the growth of their own firm.

In the coming years, IRCON’s firm will undoubtedly reap benefits if its partnerships with other related companies continue to flourish.

The company’s partnerships expand. If we look at IRCON’s share price targets through 2025, we can see that the company is producing very strong returns and that its share price is now hovering around 130 rupees.

After that, you can consider sticking with your second goal at Rs 140.

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IRCON Share Price Target 2026

In an effort to hasten its company progress in the near future, IRCON is gradually expanding into new industries and working on projects related to the building of railroads.

Recently, IRCON has also been attempting to join the Renewable Energy market through a joint venture.

Furthermore, IRCON has started working on other projects connected to Diversify Construction with the support of its various subsidiaries. As a result, it is expected that the company will be able to get assistance from diverse industries in the near future.

They expect IRCON’s business to increase significantly and have new projects in the near future.

The company is still expanding its line of business, thus when we look at its IRCON Stock Price Target for 2026, we can see that its initial target of Rs 160 is undoubtedly making excellent returns.

You will undoubtedly stop at the second aim, which is 170 rupees, once you have hit the first one.

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IRCON Share Price Target 2027

The company is involved in highway road projects in addition to activities linked to railway construction and infrastructure. It has ventured into a number of new business categories.

Taking into account that the target share price for 2027 will range from 215 to 342.

IRCON Share Price Target 2030

Numerous significant projects must be finished in the near future if you consider how IRCON will be operating in the near future.

IRCON will benefit from the advancement of significant railway infrastructure projects including metro rail, electric train bullet trains, and train electric as they become more regular.

If we look at the Indian government, we can see that it is investing more money annually to build a number of significant projects and to enhance the railway system.

Because IRCON is a government-owned firm, it will receive the most work for these massive projects as construction gets begun.

Given an analysis of the company’s future business prospects and a plan to meet the IRCON share price target through 2030, there’s a good likelihood that the share price will rise to approximately 688 rupees, providing shareholders with outstanding returns.

What Is The Future Of IRCON Share?

In order to grow its activities, IRCON is probably going to bolster its position in rising nations like India in the upcoming years.

Future predictions indicate that these developing countries would experience a significant increase in infrastructure-related projects, which will undoubtedly benefit the company’s operations.

Furthermore, if you look attentively at the future, you’ll notice that a lot of significant projects involving railway infrastructure will be finished soon.

In this sense, it is clear that the business is making an effort to stay current with emerging technologies. This will enable the business to do large tasks rapidly and fuel significant industry growth.

Risks of IRCON Share

One of the biggest risks associated with IRCON’s operations is that the corporation is mostly reliant on government programmes.

particularly if the government decides in the near future to grant the private sector the same priority in the development of projects pertaining to the infrastructure of railroads.

The business’s operations will undoubtedly be impacted by this.

When we take into account the market that IRCON operates in, we can see that the second threat is that every project, no matter how big or small, requires a substantial financial investment to be successful.

Consequently, the company will not be able to grow rapidly in the foreseeable future. It will become much more challenging as a result.

Ircon International Shareholding Pattern

The Government of India has been the firm’s promoter, owning 73.18 percent of the corporation, or more than 50%.
The company’s FII and DII shareholdings are 3.99 percent and 2.12 percent, respectively, less than 10%, indicating that the business isn’t drawing in the smart money.
More than ten percent of the company, or twenty-seven percent, is held by the public. In the event of unfavourable market conditions, more than 10% of the public investment in the corporation could lead to increased liquidity.

FAQ: Ircon Share Price Target

After five years, what is the target share price for Ircon?
In five years, the price of Ircon’s stock could increase to ₹581.62.

After ten years, what is the target share price for Ircon?
In ten years, the price of Ircon’s stock might increase to ₹847.86.

What is the 2024 target share price for Ircon?
The anticipated price of Ircon’s shares by the end of 2024 is ₹315.03.

After five years, what is the target share price for Ircon?
In five years, the price of Ircon’s stock could increase to ₹581.62.

After ten years, what is the target share price for Ircon?
In ten years, the price of Ircon’s stock might increase to ₹847.86.

What is the 2024 target share price for Ircon?
The anticipated price of Ircon’s shares by the end of 2024 is ₹315.03.

What is the 2025 target share price for Ircon?
The anticipated price of Ircon’s shares by the end of 2025 is ₹401.75.

What is the 2026 target share price for Ircon?
The anticipated price of Ircon’s shares by the end of 2026 is ₹470.59.

What is the 2030 target share price for Ircon?
The anticipated price of Ircon’s shares by the end of 2030 is ₹662.66.


It is thought that an updated strategy to upgrade the railway infrastructure is being developed by the Indian government.

As a result, the business is expected to experience rapid expansion in the upcoming years. As a result, Ircon has taken advantage of opportunities to expand its company.

Ircon is a great firm to look at investing in if you’re thinking about making a long-term investment and would like to benefit from this advancement in railway infrastructure.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of IRCON Share Price Target, including information on the company’s background, operations, and share price targets for 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030.

Our research, analysis, experiences, company fundamentals and history, and a variety of technical assessments are the foundations upon which share price forecasts are built. We have also discussed IRCON’s growth potential and future prospects in great depth.

With all the IRCON share price information available here, maybe this information will be helpful so you can think about investing in the future. Please use the comment box to contact us with any questions you may have.

We will be pleased to address any inquiries you might have. Please spread the word about this article to as many people as you can if you find it useful.

Disclaimer:Greetings, readers We would like to notify you that SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) has not given us authorization. This website solely provides educational and informational content; it is not intended to be a source of stock recommendations or financial advice. Furthermore, the share price forecasts are just meant to be used as a guide. Only when the market is showing signs of strength will the price projections be considered valid.This analysis will not take into account any uncertainties regarding the company’s future or the situation of the market at this time. We do not bear any liability for any financial loss you may suffer as a result of using the material on this site, even when it is merely for informative purposes. We are here to support you in making wiser investing decisions by giving you timely updates about financial products and the stock market. Investigate on your own before making any purchases.





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